Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday Ramblings

Well we are still in the hospital today, Not a fun place to be at all! Thank You for keeping Jeff in your thoughts and Prayers, it means a lot to us! I think he maybe feeling a little better today. Just waiting for the Doctor to come visit and tell us what is next, Patience is not always easy!

I have had so much time to sit and think while sitting bedside....

First, if you have your health you have everything!

I miss my Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never been away from them this long and it is very Hard !

Good Friends are truly a Blessing!

I guess because I have been stuck here in the hospital it has got me thinking about my career choice. When I first graduated from college I thought I wanted to be a physical therapist. I worked in a clinic as a physical therapist assistant and decided after a year I did not enjoy all of the lifting and pulling, my back was not happy!

I was accepted into the Radiation Therapy program but after orientation I decided that was not for me either. It takes someone special to be able to deal with that type of care.

I knew I wanted something in Health Care so I decided on Medical Imaging... taking X-rays and doing CT Scans. It was the right choice for me! This year there has been a lot of patients with coughs and chest congestion, this means lots of Phlegm and mucous, for some reason lately I have developed an aversion to these and am thankful that I did not choose Respiratory Therapy as a career!!!

*** If you could be 18 again and go back to school what would your career choice be? For me it would be police work (the FBI stuff) or Chef (I love to cook)


KerrieLynn, The Mix Gal said...

Hi, I am a new follower who found you through the Friday Follow with the Chatty Mommy Blog Hop. I love to find new blogs to follow, so I’m looking forward to following yours. If you are able, I appreciate a follow back ~ I’m still a new blogger and a growing blog is a happy blog!
Thank you!
~KerrieLynn ღೋ☙❤

Hockey Wife said...

HAHA! That dog balancing the bone on his snout is priceless! Total patience. ;)

Stopping by from Blog Frog - Mom Loop Comment Follow!

Paige Harmon said...

Following you from Blog frog - Mom Loop! So sorry to hear about being in the hospital! I pray that Jeff is better soon!