Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Stealing 8/14/11

Sunday Stealing: The 31 Meme, Part Two

16. What's the longest shift that you worked at a job?

36 hours! Yuck!

17. What was the last concert that you attended?

Carrie Underwood ~ Thank you to my wonderful husband for the front row seats :) I think she has the best voice in music!

18. What the last DVD (or Blu Ray, of course) movie that you watched?

Last Samurai

19. How did you like the film?

I liked it a lot. I will always be a big Tom Cruise fan, even if he is a little crazy.

20. What comedian do you love?

Ellen and Larry David

21. Do you ever sleep in the nude?

No - I have got to have a T-shirt on.

22. Have you ever had a long distance relationship?

not really

23. What do you think of astrology?

Waste of Time

24. What's you're favorite lyric quote from a song?

If we weren't all crazy we would go insane. - Jimmy Buffett, Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes

25. Tell us something random about yourself.

I Hate Clowns!

26. Have ever attended a theme party? If yes, do tell.

Well, I have been to several Halloween parties. I dressed up in a costume and thats about it.

27. What is your favorite thing about winter?

No Yard work and Football season! Go Colts!

28. What was the name of your first pet?

Missy, siamese cat ~ I loved her!

29. What have you done so far this weekend?

Work and that is my entire weekend :(

30. Has your humor ever been called “sick”?


31. If you could have one thing, what would it be?

If we are talking about something you can buy - Ipad3
But, All I really want is a Healthy Happy Family

Saturday, August 13, 2011

School has Started

Well I am right in the middle of a very long working stretch. I am really not too bummed about it because I know I have a vacation coming up pretty soon. That always helps!

My oldest is back in school and loving it. The teacher on her first day of school asked her what her favorite subject was and she said Math! I can't believe she is my daughter ~ I would have said P.E or Art. I really am proud of her!

With her going back to school it gets me thinking about what I would do if did it all over again. I would love to go to Culinary School. Yes, I Love food and I love eating good food, but I really do have a passion for it and would love to learn about it in depth. Maybe someday.

Here is my Little Einstein on her First Day of School (1st Grade)

With all of her school supplies her backpack was a little heavy

She Loves School

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Stealing 8/7/11

The Nasty 31 Meme, Part One

1. What has been your longest love relationship?
> That would be with Jeff. 13 years and still going strong :)

2. What was the last gift that you received?
> Jeff surprised me last week with a GPS

3. What do you spend your extra cash on?
> Lip stick, nail polish, food, and junk for the kids.

4. If you could live anywhere would you live?
> Telluride Colorado

5. Who's your cell provider?
> AT&T

6. What's your favorite mall store?
> I Love the kitchen gadget stores, Victorias Secret, and if there is a Target there, I am loving it :)

7. What's the longest job that you've had? (No parenting does not count!)
> Almost 13 years as a night shift CT and X-ray Tech.

8. If you won the lottery, who'd you call first?
> Mom and Dad

9. If you won, how would you spend your money after investments?
> Buy a new camper and Travel.

10. When was the last time you went to church (or a religious house)?
> Too Long :(

11. What's the biggest lie that you've heard?
> "Relax, it won't hurt a bit" That is what the Doctor told me when he gave me the epidural for my C-Section and hit a nerve.

12. When you go out with your friends, where do you go?
> Someplace for lunch or dinner, I always like trying new places.

13. When was the last time that you cried?
> I am not a big crier. My eyes will get teary - so I guess that would have been a few hours ago.

14. What food do you hate?
> The older I get the shorter the list becomes. I guess I hate Lamb. I use to hate brussel sprouts but now I actually really like them.

15. What do you like best about yourself?
> I am extremely easy going and open minded.

Someone likes Me :)

Thank You Deirdra for this award, You just made my day :)

Be sure and check out her really cool blog

Back to School Blues and Stressed out Tammy

Back to School, I just think it is completely nuts for the Kids to start back so early. Aug. 9th -Really???? I think they start about 1 month too early.

Where did the Summer go? It really makes me sad. I want to keep the kids little and I want them at home. I will have one in 1st grade and my youngest will start her first year of preschool , I will shed a few tears that day.

Abigail is ready for school. She loves it! and Caroline, well she just wants to do what her Big sister does. I think Caroline really needs school. I feel like I can't teach her anything. She is not as eager to learn as Abigail. I feel for her teachers! She is a very head strong little girl! All she wants to do is watch Mickey Mouse and play Soccer - actually, what is wrong with that?? :)

Anyway, to point out the differences in my 2 girls. Here is an example. Eating Ice Cream. What kid doesn't love ice cream? Look at Abigail. Happy, Loving life. Sweet little Angle.

Now lets look at Caroline. See what I mean.

Anyway, I have been working extra hours all Summer long because shortly after school starts we are pulling the girls out of school for 2 wks. We are going to Disney World for 1 week and then Destin on the Beach for 1 wk. I do feel a little bad about Abigail missing school - but she will learn more in that 2 wks with us then she would in school and the biggest reason is that we are paying a ton of $$$ for Disney and we want to go when the park is the least crowded. We have been planning this trip since March and I am getting so excited now! It will be the girls first trip to the Magic Kingdom :)

I have found out that Life never goes on without obstacles. School starts back Tuesday, my Dad is going to have a minor surgery, Soccer practice will be starting up again, and then we are having to deal with another private matter that is weighing heavy on my heart now and all of this is going on right before our much needed vacation. I guess you could say my Stress level is maxed out and I have been losing a lot of sleep. I do believe that things happen for a reason and I just pray that everything will work out for the best.