I have done pretty good at dropping some weight but I have done it without the exercise and I really have not been eating that good. I feed the girls good but I tend to sneak too much junk in my own diet and I am a major slacker when it comes to exercise. I am NOT lazy at all... I never sit around when I am at home, I am constantly working, cleaning, doing laundry, mowing grass, weed eating, playing with the girls, etc,... I need to take the time and dedicate it to ME. I need to rejuvenate and get myself back into shape so that I can be a better Me. I am always talking about my "glory days" with sports and yet I bet I could not run a mile with out collapsing to my death. Practice what You preach Tammy!
I plan on doing this by going Organic and really looking at what we as a family are putting into our bodies. Jeff has got us going in the right direction, we had a cow butchered so we know that our meat is good and I plan on having my large garden back again this year. Will we still eat at Mcdonalds?? Yes, but it will be on "special" and rare occasions. I am not going to be "over the top" with this but I am going to make a big difference in this families overall health. Wish me luck!
The Elliptical that sits in our garage is used more by Abby. On a funny note... I took this picture last week... I was just finishing up mowing the front yard and the girls had been playing and got really dirty. I told them to take their shoes off and wait for me by the door. I put the tractor up and walk into the garage to find this.... =)
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